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Violent Midnight (1963)

Bec ause his family has a history of mental illness, Elliot Freeman, a war hero turned portrait painter, is suspected of sadistically murder...

Because his family has a history of mental illness, Elliot Freeman, a war hero turned portrait painter, is suspected of sadistically murdering two beautiful young women. Freeman knew both of the victims--Dolores Martello, an artist's model, and Alice St. Clair, a student at a nearby college--and he sets out to find the killer. At different times during his unofficial investigation, Freeman comes to suspect four men: Professor Melbourne, a peeping tom; Charles Perone, a motorcycle hoodlum; Adrian Benedict, a sophisticated lawyer; and a deaf-mute chauffeur. Freeman finally learns that his own sister, Lynn, jealous of the attentions that he paid to other women, committed the murders. {full_page}
Lee Philips, Sheppard Strudwick, James Farentino, Dick Van Patten, Jean Hale, Lorraine Rogers, Margot Hartman, Sylvia Miles Produced by Del Tenney  {fbt_gallery_post}

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